
Convert Service Srl

Convert Service S.r.l. is a company operating in the Converting and Packaging sector. We deal mainly with production lines such as: Flexographic printing machines, Rotogravure, Embossing machines, Rewinder and Unwinder machines, Bubble extruders, Welding machines, Laminating machines, Slitters.

Reliability and professionalism allow us to provide ordinary and extraordinary maintenance services, make on-site assistance in every part of the world, upgrade or adapt dated machinery. We also collaborate with some important manufacturers in the sector, providing them with our support technicians for the installation of new lines; our transparency and decency allow us to work with companies in the same sector, without violating the confidentiality required.

convert service Premariacco

We also offer our own machines and in particular Stacktype flexographic machines, automatic turret wrappers and unwinding machines, embossing machines, and dedicated lines such as Plow folder or inspecting machines. Every customer’s need and request is studied, discussed and developed in order to find and propose the most appropriate and advantageous solution, customizing the production line.

Convert Service in the world

Convert Service S.r.l. operates in Italy and abroad. In Italy we can count among our customers important companies in the sector, with which we have established strong relationships. The experience gained in dozens of important projects, allows us to face demanding challenges all over the world, regardless of the area in which we are called to operate or the complexity of what is required. It is possible to make our technical staff available, to disassemble, install and test the machinery, and to realize the offer that includes the supply of the packaging for the transfers, transportation, rental of the essential means for the movements and what is necessary for a proper transfer.

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